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Prof. Tal Ellenbogen

Principal Investigator

Prof. Ellenbogen obtained his bachelor's degree in Physics and Computers from Tel-Aviv University in 2002 and his Master's degree in Physics from Tel-Aviv University in 2005. He did his PhD degree in Nonlinear Optics at the School of Electrical Engineering in Tel-Aviv University. During his PhD he received several awards for excellence including the SPIE, Intel, Applied Materials, Weinstein, and The Electro-Optics Fund awards. In 2010 he received the Fulbright Postdoctoral Fellowship and joined the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Harvard University to work on nanoplasmonics and excitonics. During his postdoctoral fellowship he acted as an active member of The Center for Excitonics in MIT and the Harvard Center for Nanoscale Systems. In October 2012 he took his current position at the Department of Physical Electronics at The Tel-Aviv University School of Electrical Engineering to establish The Laboratory for Nanoscale Electro Optics.


Phone: 972-3-640-7372 Office: room 505, Software Engineering Building


Dr. Cormac McDonnell

Postdoctoral Fellow

Cormac joined the NEO Lab in April 2019 as a Postdoctoral Researcher working on THz and SHG generation from metasurfaces. He received his B.Sc. degree in Experimental Physics from The University of Ireland Galway (NUIG) in 2012. He completed a PhD in 2016 at the National Centre for Laser Applications at NUIG investigating laser ablation mechanisms of transparent conductive thin films using ultrashort laser pulses. In 2016 he joined M-Squared Lasers in Scotland as an applications engineer, participating in a number of EU project collaborations including HYPERIAS and LUSTRE. As part of this he undertook a number of guest research secondments to the University of Siegen Germany and St Andrews University Scotland. In 2018 he joined the Lasercenter at Munich University of Applied Sciences as a Postdoctoral Researcher working on pump-probe techniques for investigating the mechanisms of ultrashort laser-metal interactions.


Phone: 972-3-640-8047 Office: room 221, Wolfson Electrical Engineering Laboratories Building


Sharon Karepov

PhD Student

Sharon joined the NEO Lab in October 2013 as a M.Sc. student. During her Master's, Sharon developed polarization-selective elements and integrated them into digital holographic microscopes. Sharon graduated in 2017, and continued in our group as a PhD student. She received her B.Sc. degree in Biomedical Engineering from Tel-Aviv University in 2012 with majors in biomedical signals and systems. Between 2008 and 2011 she worked as a Medical Research Assistant at METEOR Medical Center. In the NEO Lab, Sharon is researching and developing plasmonic metamaterials for use in Ophthalmic devices.


Phone: 972-3-640-8138 Office: room 222, Wolfson Electrical Engineering Laboratories Building


Tsafrir Abir

PhD Student

Tsafrir joined the NEO Lab in April 2016 as M.Sc. student. He received his B.Sc. degree in Physics and Chemistry from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 2015. In the last year of his B.Sc. studies he worked as a research assistant at Prof. Uri Banin's lab, investigating the physical properties of nano-crystals. At the NEO Lab Tsafrir studies 2D semiconductors optics. ​


Phone: 972-3-640-8047 Office: room 221, Wolfson Electrical Engineering Laboratories Building


Danielle Ben Haim

PhD Student

Danielle joined the NEO Lab in November 2016 as M.Sc. student. She received her B.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering with honors from Tel Aviv University in March 2018, as she continued her M.Sc. studies as part of the direct program. Her master's research focused on the optical properties of plasmonic metasurface etalons. Danielle graduated her M.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering with honors from Tel Aviv University in April 2020, and continued in our group as a PhD student. At the NEO Lab Danielle studies collective optical interactions in 3D nano-engineered metamaterials.


Phone: 972-3-640-8047 Office: room 221, Wolfson Electrical Engineering Laboratories Building


Mai Tal

PhD Student

Mai joined the NEO Lab in March 2016 as a research assistant during her B.Sc. Later, she continued as an M.Sc. student in the lab. Her master's research focused on THz generation from nonlinear metamaterials. Mai received her B.Sc. in Physics from Tel-Aviv University in 2017,and her M.Sc. in Physics from Tel-Aviv University in 2020. Currently, Mai is researching the temporal dynamics of collective effects in metasurfaces.


Phone: 972-3-640-8138 Office: room 222, Wolfson Electrical Engineering Laboratories Building


Arun Jana

PhD Student

Arun joined the NEO Lab in April 2024 as a PhD student. He received his B.Sc. degree and M.Sc. degree in Physics(with Honors) from Prabhat Kumar College, Contai Under the affiliation of Vidyasagar University, India in 2018 and 2020 respectively. His master's research focused on Terahertz Generation and Detection by Nonlinear Optical Method and active tunning of metamaterial. Currently, his research work is on THz generation and detection from metamaterial.


Phone: 972-3-640-8047 Office: room 221, Wolfson Electrical Engineering Laboratories Building


Sofiia Maslova

MSc Student

Sofiia joined the NEO lab in October 2022 as a MSc student, working with the members of the group on fabrication of plasmonic nonlinear metasurface composed of split-ring resonators. She received her B.Sc. degrees in Automation and instrumentation of Optoelectronic systems and technologies from NTUU "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" in 2022.


Phone: 972-3-640-8138 Office: room 222, Wolfson Electrical Engineering Laboratories Building


Daniil Ansimov

MSc Student

Daniil joined the NEO lab in April 2023 as a M.Sc. student. He earned his bachelor’s degree in Laser Engineering from ITMO University, Saint Petersburg. His bachelor thesis was focused on entangled state formation in Josephson’s Junctions at finite temperatures. At the NEO Lab Daniil studies nonlinear processes arising from nanostructures.


Phone: 972-3-640-5223 Office: room 501, Software engineering building


Kate Flechner

MSc Student

Kate joined the NEO Lab as a research assistant in May 2023 following the completion of her B.Sc. final project under the supervision of Prof. Tal Ellenbogen. She graduated with a B.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering from Tel Aviv University in August 2023, specializing in Electro-Optics. For her project, she planned and implemented an optical non-invasive spectral characterization system. Kate has continued as an M.Sc. student in the lab, currently researching design and fabrication techniques for 3D plasmonic metamaterials.


Phone: 972-3-640-8138 Office: room 222, Wolfson Electrical Engineering Laboratories Building


Saar Poplinger

MSc Student

Saar joined the NEO Lab as a M.Sc. student in October 2023. He graduated with a double B.Sc in Physics & Electrical Engineering from Tel Aviv University in August 2023, while completing his final project in the NEO Lab under the supervision of Ms. Danielle Ben Haim and Prof. Tal Ellenbogen. His B.Sc. final project focused on inverse design of dielectric metasurfaces using deep learning techniques. Saar continues this research in his M.Sc. studies, while focusing on nonlinear dielectric metasurfaces.


Phone: 972-3-640-9214 Office: room 218, Wolfson Electrical Engineering Laboratories Building


Xiaoxi Xu

PhD Student

Xiaoxi joined the NEO Lab in September 2024 as a PhD student. She earned her B.Sc. degree in 2021 and M.Sc. degree in 2024, both from Foshan University in China. During her master's studies, her research focused on vortex solitons and nonlinear optics. In the NEO Lab, Xiaoxi works on meta slab waveguides.


Phone: 972-3-640-9214 Office: room 218, Wolfson Electrical Engineering Laboratories Building


Benjamin Nyagaka

MSc Student

Benjamin joined the NEO Lab in October 2024 as an MSc. student. He obtained his BSc. in Electrical Engineering in September 2024 from Tel Aviv University. During the 2024 academic year, he spent nine months at the Weizmann Institute conducting research in the trapped-ions lab as a visiting student. His work there focused on applying Digital Predistortion to linearize the Acousto-Optic Modulator while operating it in its nonlinear regime. Currently, the focus of his research is on Metasurfaces and Metalens design.


Phone: 972-3-640-9214 Office: room 218, Wolfson Electrical Engineering Laboratories Building


  • Dr. Ofer Doron 

  • Elazar Elias (MSc.), Optical Engineer at Corephotonics

  • Dr. Eviatar Minerbi (PhD), Integrated photonics pysicist at Elbit systems

  • Dr. Simos Sideris (PhD)

  • Dr. Mukesh Kumar Sharma (Postdoctoral Fellow)

  • Nadezda Lapshina (PhD)

  • Dr. Lior Michaeli (PhD), Postdoc in Harry Atwater's group Caltech

  • Mai Tal (MSc.), PhD in Physics at the NEO lab

  • Dr. Shivani Bhardwaj (Postdoctoral Fellow)

  • Nadav Fain (MSc.), Physicist at Align Technology

  • Dr. Shay Keren-Zur (PhD), Physicist at Apple

  • Dr. Ori Avayu (PhD), CTO at Element XR

  • Dr. Rani Ditcovski (PhD), Physicist at Triarii Research

  • Dr. Elad Eizner (PhD), Physicist at Applied Materials

  • Itay Langstadter (MSc.), Physicist at Applied Materials

  • Sharon Karepov (MSc.), PhD in Electrical Engineering at the NEO lab

  • Dr. Barak Gilboa (Postdoctoral Fellow), Senior research scientist - Imaging specialist at Novo Nordisk

  • Denis Karpov (PhD)

  • Nadav Segal (MSc.), Leading the Computer Vision development at Dentlytec

  • Omri Eisenbach (MSc.), Director System Architecture at CEVA, Inc.

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